A fund of up to €450,000 to support cross-border investigative journalism in the European Union is being launched today, 19 March 2018, by the International Press Institute (IPI) and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF).
The fund’s website: http://www.ij4eu.net/
The Investigative Journalism for Europe (#IJ4EU) fund is intended to foster and strengthen collaboration among European Union-based journalists and newsrooms on revelations in the public interest and of cross-border significance. The fund aims to support investigations that reflect the media’s watchdog role and that assist the public in holding those in power accountable for their actions and to their obligations. In so doing, it seeks to contribute to the sustainability of democracy and the rule of law in the EU.
The fund will be managed by IPI, a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists defending press freedom.
In 2018 cross-border teams of investigative reporters and/or media outlets based in at least two EU countries can apply for grants up to a maximum of €50,000 to produce investigations on a topic of cross-border relevance and of public interest.
Proposed projects must aim to reveal new information. Investigative teams already in existence or formed for an #IJ4EU project are equally welcome to apply. Ongoing but incomplete investigations are eligible to apply for funds to complete a publishable story. Teams of journalists or media outlets based outside of the capitals or largest cities or in countries where investigative journalism is at particular risk are especially encouraged to apply.
The programme will consider funding all platforms, including print, broadcast, online media, documentary filmmaking and multi-platform story-telling.
To be eligible for funding, proposed projects must aim to be published (and available in publishable form) by respected news outlets or platforms in at least two EU countries no later than December 31, 2018.
The deadline for applications is May 3, 2018, which also marks World Press Freedom Day. Applications must be submitted in English. Applicants will need to provide a detailed project description, information on the investigative team, a research and publication plan, a budget, and a risk assessment.
Certain applicants to IJ4EU will have the opportunity to raise the additional project funds through a collaboration with the crowdfunding platform Press Start. To be eligible for fundraising through Press Start, projects must involve media outlets or journalists from at least one of the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania.
An independent jury will select the projects to be funded, with the aim of concluding agreements with all successful applicants by June 15, 2018.
To apply and to read full information about eligibility, applications and the selection process, please visit the fund’s website: http://www.ij4eu.net/