Apply for European Cross-Border Grants

This awarded European Cross-Border Grant programme (running since 2009) will support professional journalists who have good ideas for cross-border investigations and for research on European topics. The stories must be relevant to European target groups.

These are projects that have great news value and depth, and at the same time are original, innovative and time-consuming, and would not be realised without financial support. Projects can include cross-border research, networking between colleagues, and established and innovative investigative methods. supports costs related to journalistic research for all media. This can include travel, translation, access to pay-databases or simply time to research. Fixed costs such as office costs, investments such as cameras or computers or production costs are not supported.

Next to a grant, teams can also apply for a mentor to provide assistance with either the focus of the investigation or the need for competences in a specific skill.

Teams of journalists from at least two countries in geographical Europe are eligible to apply. When relevant for the story, team members from elsewhere can be accepted too.

Next deadline: 19 January 2023

All the information can be found on the European Cross-Border Grants webpage.