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New threats and attacks prompt a toxic environment for journalists in Slovenia

A number of journalists reporting about alleged funding from Hungary of media close to the right-wing Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) has been...

Senator Sees China’s Hand in Central Europe TV Sale

Republican hawk Marco Rubio has called on US authorities to review the sale of the CME media conglomerate to Czech tycoon Petr...

The Western Balkans’ Sketchy Media Literacy Landscapes

Major research by SEENPM member organisations finds that countries of the region lack comprehensive policies and institutional framework for developing MIL in a systematic...

Hungary and Croatia Try to Silence Slovenian Media

Government connections in two of Slovenia's neighbours try to influence media reports in the country, but Slovenia reacts strongly, showing a more progressive approach...

Last Despatches – Stories about journalists killed in the Balkans since the 1990s

139 journalists and media workers were killed during and after the violent breakup of Yugoslavia. Only one person has been convicted of responsibility for any of these...

Building new knowledge base on media and information literacy

The first training of trainers in the field of media and information literacy was held last week in Sarajevo, launching thus the series of...

Call for Proposals in the field of data-driven news production [EU countries]

The European Commission has launched a call for proposals in the field of data-driven news production. Applicants are invited to submit proposals to increase reporting...

Whistleblower directive: The EC takes “an important step” but improvement on public reporting yet to be made

On 23 April, the European Commission issued a proposal for a directive on the protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law. This is...

Media in Slovenia: among criminals, politicians and “the barbarians”

By Blaž Zgaga Once praised as a role model country for the Balkans, Slovenia as the most developed part of former Yugoslavia, an EU and...

Macedonia: Citizens can protect the PSB only if they have the confidence in it – a comparative study

It is necessary to open a public discussion regarding the thorough reform of all aspects of operation of the public service broadcaster, Macedonian...

Ownership, financial models and programme diversity of the most influential TV channels in Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia

Unlike in Macedonia, where national commercial terrestrial TV stations are exclusively "home" owned, the most influential commercial media in Croatia and Slovenia are in...

Media business or (geo)politics behind foreign investments in the Slovenian media market

Slovenia’s small media market, which is highly concentrated in its TV segment and has repelled rather than attracted foreign investment in the past decade,...
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Call for Applicants: Funded participation in two learning and knowledge-sharing events for journalists and media workers

Tactical Tech is providing travel and subsistence support of maximum 1000 Eur/person to Europe based journalists and other media professionals interested in...

European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy coming to Zagreb

The second edition of the Voices - European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy will take place in Zagreb on 27 February...

Training Program for Journalists and Editors on Youth-Driven Community Journalism

The Youth Community Journalism Initiative (YoCoJoin) is launching its immersion training workshops on youth-driven community journalism. This 3-day program is created to...

Our Media: Local Initiatives for Active Citizenship

SEENPM member organizations gathered around the regional project Our Media have selected the best local initiatives within a public call intended for...