Hundreds of journalists have been killed. Nine in 10 cases remain unpunished. Impunity reigns. It’s time for change. ACT NOW!
#NoImpunity #YesImpunityConvention
Despite many protocols, guidelines and proposals, journalists still face a daily threat – and impunity continues to make the situation worse.
In the last 6 years more than 600 journalists have been killed. Nine in 10 cases remain unpunished. Impunity reigns.
Hundreds of journalists are imprisoned and on a daily basis journalists are attacked, beaten, detained, harassed and threatened.
There are growing threats to digital safety with cyber-attacks, hacking, online harassment, especially of women journalists, all creating a safety crisis for news professionals.
It is this – and a growing frustration with a lack of action and, in too many cases, a lack of will to tackle the crisis of impunity – which has driven the International Federation of Journalists to launch this campaign for an International Convention dedicated to the protection of journalists and media professionals.
What you can do:
Read the draft Convention
Download the Q&A/briefing paper
Add your organisation’s name to support the campaign
Lobby your government and political parties to support the Convention
Invite an IFJ representative to address your meeting to discuss the protection of journalists.