November 12, 2007, Budapest – Two regional groups, Scoop and BIRN hosted a conference for investigative reporters from East and South East Europe in Budapest, November 9-11, 2007. Scoop is managed by the Danish Association for Investigative Reporting, whereas the Balkan Investigative Reporters Network (BIRN) brings together media professionals from South East Europe. The event was organized in co-operation with the Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ) in Hungary.
At the conference, journalists from the region presented their investigations, shared publication experiences and working methods. The goal of the event was to improve the standards of investigative reporting in the region and foster international networking.
In addition to discussions and presentations, experienced trainers from the US and Europe shared their knowledge in computer-assisted reporting, investigative methods, managing sources, interviewing techniques, archiving and other useful tools. The conference and seminar were sponsored by the Open Society Institute, the Danish Hermod Lannung Foundation and the Danish Politiken-Foundation.