Media Freedom Rapid Response Emergency Support

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) which tracks, monitors, and reacts to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries and project provides legal and practical support, public advocacy, and information to protect journalists and media
workers can provide support for:

  • Medical assistance: for injuries sustained in the course of the journalists work;
  • Subsistence costs: short term support for journalists who are not able to work, or costs to temporarily flee an unsafe or vulnerable situation;
  • Psychological support: advice, referral, and funds to seek psychosocial assistance;
  • Work provisions: digital tools like VPNs for online protection and work materials in exceptional cases;
  • Family support: temporary support for family members of journalists who are unable to work, who are imprisoned, or who are deceased;
  • Preventive safety measures: knowledge and resources that help the recipient to circumvent censorship and communicate safely and securely, as well as security training (on location or online).

To qualify for emergency support, here are the requirements you need to meet:

  • You are a media organisation or a practising media professional in an EU member or candidate state (including UK);
  • Your emergency situation is a direct result of your work as a media professional;
  • You recognise that this assistance is not structural;
  • You recognise that the aim of our support is to resume your work as soon as possible;
  • Your situation can be confirmed by at least two trusted sources outside of yourself.

To apply go to the Emergency Support page.