The SEE Partnership for Media Development project developed a set of recommendations regarding media literacy policy in South East Europe stemming from key findings of a comprehensive study.
Caught between the present day media environment, under constant change, and a future whose shape is yet to be defined, journalists have no chance but to adjust and acquire new skills and knowledge. In its turn, the general public also needs to be prepared to cope with challenges of the new or legacy media.
The SEE Partnership for Media Development project investigated the way the countries in the region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) are able to address such issues.
The study was conducted in the five countries between March 2016 – February 2017 and discussed at the regional conference ’Media Literacy and Educational Needs of the Journalists and the Public’, held in Skopje on March 28-29, 2017.
The key findings reveal:
- the education of media professionals and the education of the public cannot be treated separately and should feed into the same flow of information;
- media and information literacy represent a life skill that should be mastered by all citizens;
- media and information education should be an endeavor for all stakeholders, at a national, regional and European level;
- media and information education should start at early ages, but address all ages
Following the discussions among media professionals, academics, CSO and state institutions’ representatives, during conference in Skopje, a set of media literacy policy recommendations was prepared stemming from key findings of the study and incorporating the discussions held at the conference.
The aim of the recommendations is to encourage all stakeholders (states, universities, media services, etc.) to cooperate in order to secure the free flow of information in our societies and a healthy degree of freedom of expression, exercised by responsible actors in an enabling environment.
Download the policy recommendations.
For further details please contact: Ioana Avadani, project manager,; Cristina Lupu (communication expert),;