Register now and join the ECPMF conference in Prague to discuss the challenges for press freedom in Europe and the Czech Republic by media ownership structures.
when: Friday, 14 December, 2018, all-day
where: Impact Hub, Drtinova 10, Prague, CR
The concentration of media ownership is affecting more and more European countries, and therefore all European media consumers. Join the conference to discuss how economic agendas and conflicts of interest undermine the independence of the information we consume every day.
ECPMF’s NEWSOCRACY event in Prague focuses on new forms and models of media ownership, and the implications of media ownership concentration for local and regional journalism. Through case studies, debates and expert sessions ECPMF aims to come up with constructive approaches to promote and strengthen media plurality.
For more information and registration (RSVP 10 December 2018) please find the event website here or contact ECPMF press
The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) is a non-profit European Cooperative Society, based in Leipzig, Germany. The ECPMF was founded in 2015 to promote the European Charter on Freedom of the Press throughout Europe. The ECPMF and its partners preserve and defend media freedom by monitoring the state of free media in Europe, providing news and tools on media freedom issues, initiating activities and providing practical support to journalists at risk.