RESEARCH ALBANIA: Low Priority for Ethical Issues

This research aims to create a better understanding of media self-regulatory mechanisms in Albanian media landscape.

Media self-regulation in Albania has been a long and challenging process through the years, and the effectiveness of self-regulation initiatives has not always been satisfactory. While there have been some positive examples and there are still ongoing attempts to develop self-regulation and reflection on professional standards in the media, to this day there is no specific example or mechanism that could be regarded as a success story and serve as a reference for self-regulation.

Download the publication in English and in national language.

This report focuses on the current situation concerning codes of ethics and self-regulation initiatives in Albania and assesses them against the background of reforms required in view of imminent EU regulation, but also the changing demands of the profession.

The report analyses the challenges posed by trends in media development in the country and the way that specific factors and actors affect the success of self-regulation attempts among Albanian media.

Funded by the European Union.

The regional program “Our Media: A civil society action to generate media literacy and activism, counter polarisation and promote dialogue” is implemented with the financial support of the European Union by partner organizations SEENPMAlbanian Media InstituteMediacentar SarajevoPress Council of KosovoMontenegrin Media InstituteMacedonian Institute for MediaNovi Sad School of JournalismPeace Institute and Bianet.

This article was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of SEENPM and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.