SEE Partnership for Media Development

The project aims to improve the ability of media organisations in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia to address the working conditions and education level of journalists, broaden their knowledge and skills, as well as to improve their attitude with respect to advocacy and media literacy. The project also aims to inform and generate educated public debates on freedom of expression in general, and media freedom in particular, to broaden the stakeholders’ and civic support for media sector reform processes.

SEE Partnership for Media Development is implemented by a consortium of media organizations from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania.  Media professionals from Kosovo and Turkey are also involved. The project addresses three topics: labour conditions for journalists, media education (both for journalists and the public) and freedom of expression at large.

For the first two topics, the project provides for a full circle of activities: research, professional debate, policy drafting, advocacy training, advocacy activities, and regional overview. In terms of freedom of expression, the project provides for permanent monitoring, periodical reporting (including regional overviews) and ad-hoc reaction when the need arises. The general objective of the project is to support the development of independent and accountable media in the Western Balkans. The philosophy of the Action provides for the development of a broader partnership among various stakeholders in order to increase the support for the freedom of expression and of the media, as elements of stable and mature (or maturing) democracies.

The SEENPM  members that are part of the project: Albanian Media Institute, Mediacenter for Media and Civil Society Development (BiH), Media Initiatives – Association  for Media Development and Promotion of Professional Journalism (BiH), Macedonian Institute for Media (Macedonia), Montenegro Media Institute (Montenegro), Foundation  Media Center (Serbia), Media and Reform Centre Nis (Serbia), Media Development Center (Bulgaria).

The Project is co-financed by the European Commission, the Civil Society Facility, Media Freedom and Accountability Programme, EuropeAid/134613/C/ACT/MULTI

For further details please contact: Cristina Lupu (communication expert),;  Mihaela Danga, project assistant (


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