The State of Moldovan Press Characterized as “Severe” for the Fourth Consecutive Year

The media in the Republic of Moldova is still in a severe state, as revealed by the 2019 Moldovan Press Status Index (MPSI), published by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) on Wednesday, February 26.

For the fourth consecutive year, the report examines existing problems and the most important developments in journalism during the year.

The complicated situation did not change much: Moldova received a score of 24.14 out of a maximum of 60.

Threats to the security of media outlets and the safety of their employees originate from state bodies, politicians, and civil servants. At the same time, ineffective/failed law enforcement constitutes the main source of journalists’ insecurity.

The MPSI methodology contains seven indicators: regulatory legal framework, political context, economic environment, professional environment, quality of journalism, information security from a media perspective, and safety of journalists.

The MPSI was made as part of the‘Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion and Accountability in Moldova (MEDIA-M)’ project, funded by the USAID, the UK and implemented by Internews in Moldova.

Read more about this research on the website of the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) in Moldova.