The European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in partnership with USI Università della Svizzera italiana call for proposals to be presented at the 7th European Communication Conference, to be held in Lugano, Switzerland, from 31 October to 3 November 2018.
The Conference has chosen the key theme of “Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation”. Organisers call for proposals that address the main conference theme and which relate to each ECREA Section, Network or Temporary Working Group.
More on the conference theme and call for papers.
The conference endorses nine independent pre-conferences which will take place prior to the main conference. For all information and registration to the pre-conferences please visit the pre-conferences websites:
- Audiences, datafication and the everyday: Challenges, ambitions and priorities for audience studies in datafied societies
- Children and Adolescents in a Mobile Media World
- Funding of independent and/or public service journalism (FIPS-J)
- Information Diversity and Media Pluralism in the Age of Algorithms
- Mobile (in)visibilities
- The Dissolving Boundaries of Hybrid Journalism – Rethinking News Work Between Data-Drivenness, Hacking and Activism
- The “New Silk Road” – Flow and Counterflow of Information between Europe and China?
- Three Young Scholar Workshops: Methods, Writing and Activism
- Towards a Polyphony of Memory? Media, Communication and Memory in the Digital Age