The Award is meant to honour the work carried out by investigative journalists and their contribution to investigative reporting despite the difficult conditions under which they often have to operate.
ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
DEADLINE: September 1st
Category 1: candidates who have been actively involved in investigative reporting over the last two years and are still active in journalism. Two samples of journalistic work will be relevant for the evaluation from the jury.
Category 2: candidates who have been actively involved in investigative reporting, even in the context of training activities organised by schools/universities/NGOs and, as a result, should have published at least one investigative story meeting all professional standards. One sample of journalistic work will be relevant for the evaluation from the jury.
Professional Journalists (4000 Eur)
Young Professional Journalists (1000 Eur)
Download full call for applications and apply at the CEI website