The Thomson Foundation mobile journalism competition is a leading showcase for mobile journalism (‘mojo’) talent. Now in its fourth year, and this time in partnership with Mojofest – a global celebration of mobile content creators – the Thomson Foundation is once again inviting entries.
If you think you have what it takes to be the next mojo star, then submit a feature story or news report filmed and edited entirely on a mobile device, which excites, intrigues and surprises and demonstrates impact and creativity.
The winner will receive a mojo kit worth nearly €1,000, plus an all-expenses-paid trip to Galway, Ireland, for Mojofest in May (29-31).
Five runners up will also receive free access to Glen’s popular mobile journalism online course from our Journalism Now programme.
This is an open competition to find the best journalistic example of the use of mobile content production for storytelling. Last year’s competition attracted nearly 100 entries from 28 countries. The growing number of entries each year demonstrates just how the mobile phone has enabled a new generation of journalists.
Competition closing date, 10 April 2018.