AMI: Focus on Diversity and Reporting on Vulnerable Groups

Albanian Media Institute, a SEENPM member, with the support of Soros Foundation organized events in February 2016 focusing on diversity and reporting on vulnerable groups.

Two forums (held in Shkoder on February 18 and Lushnje on February 24) focused on ethical reporting of diversity and ethical guidelines on coverage of vulnerable groups. The forums were organized as a platform for the discussion of media with local government and civil society, assessing the quality of media coverage of vulnerable groups in the media. The discussion focused on specific local cases. Starting point for the discussion was a presentation of the Assessment Report on Media Coverage of Vulnerable Groups.

A training course aiming to improve reporting of vulnerable groups in the media and cooperation of media with civil society was organized on February 10-12, with the participation of journalists from mainstream print and electronic media. The course addressed the importance of reporting diversity correctly in the media and the significance of cultural diversity in society. Journalists became familiar with and discussed ways of recognizing and accepting the Other, and reporting this topic in an appropriate way. Specific attention was paid to stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination in media reporting. A part of the course focused on reporting gender issues. Specific attention was paid to the coverage of domestic violence.