The deadline has been extended for applications to the 19th annual Annenberg-Oxford Media Policy Summer Institute, to be held from Monday, June 26 to Friday, July 7, 2017 at the University of Oxford. Applications are now due by Friday, April 14.
For eighteen years, the Institute has brought together top early career communications scholars, media lawyers and regulators, human rights activists, and policymakers from countries around the world to discuss the effects of technology and policy from a global and multidisciplinary perspective. The Summer Institute provides participants with an intensive two week curriculum that combines expert instruction from media policymakers and scholars with hands-on activities such as stakeholder mapping, policy analysis, group case studies, and participant presentations.
The 2017 Annenberg-Oxford Summer Institute seeks applicants whose research or work is related to the relationship between international media laws and national jurisdictions, online censorship and surveillance, media activism and political change, the impact of social media on the public sphere, the role of corporations in media governance, strategic communications and propaganda, media access issues, online extremism and hate speech, net neutrality, and global internet governance processes. Applications are encouraged from students studying communication, sociology, political science, international relations, information studies, and related disciplines. Practitioners working in media, law, policy, regulation, and technology are also encouraged to apply.
The Institute endeavors to broaden and expand the pool of talented young scholars engaged in media studies and to connect these individuals to elite scholars and practitioners from around the world. The main goals of the program are to facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue and build spaces for collaboration between scholars, policymakers, and practitioners. The Institute’s alumni are a vibrant group who continue to engage in the program, collaborate through network ties, and have become leaders at the top national and international nonprofits, advocacy organizations, government agencies, corporations, and academic institutions. Past institutes have included participants from India, Kenya, Brazil, the Philippines, Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, China, Italy, Israel, Colombia, Iran, Myanmar, South Sudan, Nigeria, as well as 89 other countries.
Applicants can make an account and apply now via our online portal. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis before the April 14 deadline, so please submit as soon as possible. Several partial scholarships are available to top applicants. For more information about the program and the application, please email see our FAQ page or email
Application link here: https://upennasc.