This is a great opportunity for all those who wish to improve their investigative skills and learn the latest tricks from media experts.
The school brings together some of the world’s best journalists and trainers for six-days in the Bay of Kotor, known as the southern-most fjord in Europe.
Between August 18 and 25, reporters will have the opportunities to learn cutting-edge investigation skills while enjoying the delights of Adriatic Sea.
Successful applicants will be provided with excellent possibilities for networking – and the possibility of getting a grant for a story idea.
The lead trainer on the course in Montenegro is one of the best investigative editors in the US, Reuters’ Blake Morrison, a three-times finalist for the Pulitzer investigative award.
As part of the school, you will learn how to dig for data, convince difficult sources to talk, transform your research into sparking prose and harness the power of videos.
Who the Summer School is for:
The training course is suitable for both investigative journalists with a few years’ experience as well as those who are more skilled.
Application are encouraged from experienced journalists that want to learn new trends and work with a new generation of reporters, as well as editors interested in encouraging investigative reporting in their media outlets.
Investigative Story Fund:
The 30 reporters selected to take part, of which 20 will hail from the Balkans, will work together in groups throughout the week to develop an idea for a hard-hitting investigation, which will be presented to a panel of judges on the final day.
The three best story ideas will be awarded with funds and editorial support.
Scholarships for journalists from the Balkans
A limited number of full scholarships will be available to exceptional candidates. These will be awarded on merit and need basis. As this is 10th summer school, alumni of the previous editions are also eligible to apply. Additionally, up to €100 are available to reimburse the travel costs.
Eligibility criteria for Scholarships
Journalists from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia with at least three years of experience in journalism.
Applicants must supply a sample of their published work translated into English.
Stories Fund
Participants are eligible to apply for financial and editorial support to conduct cross-border investigations relevant for the Southeast Europe. If you have a story idea that has a cross border significance, submit a short pitch and budget, together with the application form. Both individual journalists and teams are eligible to apply.
Application Deadlines
Applications for scholarships must be received by July 20, 2019. No application for an assisted place will be considered after this deadline.
Standard applications (for non-scholarship applicants) must be received by August 1, 2019.
All participants will receive a BIRN Summer School certificate.
Application procedure for all applicants
Completed application form
Letter of motivation
Sample of work (for scholarship applicants only)
Early bird fee
Applications received by June 1, 2019 will be charged a reduced fee of 650 euros.
The course fee of 750 euros is all-inclusive, covering tuition, rooms and all meals. The fee also includes BIRN’s published textbook “Digging Deeper: A Guide for Investigative Journalists in the Balkans”.
All about the Summer School 2019 and the application procedure including online application – on the BIRN Summer School 2019 web pages