Call for Applications: Reporters in the Field 2018 – Crossborder Journalism grant

Are you a reporter who wants to dig deeper? Who teams up with others to explore a story from various perspectives? Who feels that complex research doesn’t stop at borders?

The program “Reporters in the Field” supports research projects by media professionals from all over Europe. It offers grants of up to 8,000€ to international teams who want to realize a crossborder and in-depth investigation on a story of their choice. Selected teams will receive funding, training and mentoring for their research.

Are you interested in becoming part of the vibrant network of crossborder journalists? The first application period of 2018 is now open.

Reporters in the Field is a program by the Robert Bosch Stiftung hosted together with the media network n-ost.

If you have any questions concerning the application process, please contact the Reporters in the Field Program Office (Lina Verschwele, Dorá Diseri) at n-ost (