Call for proposals – advocacy actions by civil society organizations

SEE Media Observatory has announced a call for proposals for civil society organizations (CSOs) to implement public awareness and advocacy campaigns and organize actions aiming to support free, independent, pluralistic and viable media in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia.

Civil society organizations – professional associations, advocacy groups, research institutes, human rights organizations and other CSOs – specializing in media are invited to propose actions with a duration from 3 to 6 months to be implemented in 2014. The total funds available for this call for proposals are 25.000 EUR; a maximum grant amount of 5.000 EUR per country will be awarded. Deadline for applications is 28 February 2014. The call is administered by the Center for Independent Journalism, Budapest. Financial support is provided by the European Commission.

You can find here the call for proposals, the application form, the budget template, and the statement of the applicant organization.