Call For Papers: Gender Differentiation in Media Industries – Deadline extended: 5 February 2018

The Peace Institute and Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, will host the international conference “Gender Differentiation in Media Industries” in Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 14-15, 2018.

Deadline for call for papers is extended to 5 February.

This conference is interested to explore various dimensions of gender differentiation in contemporary media industry as they are reproduced at the level of media production, representation and consumption. The aim is in shifting the focus from researching relative underrepresentation of women in the media to analyse structures and practices of engendered media systems ˗ a shift from what to why. As a corpus of existing literature addressing gender in media at the “European periphery” is thinner if compared to studies elsewhere, we  particularly welcome contributions addressing situations in Central-Eastern-South European countries (but not exclusively). We specifically target studies addressing gender in television and online media (but are not limited to these).

In particular, the organizers are interested in contributions addressing:

  • Feminization of media work,
  • Media work environments and gender roles,
  • Media policy from a gender perspective,
  • Epistemologies addressing gender and media (political economy of communication, cultural studies, feminist analysis etc.),
  • Attempts at reconciliation between “material” and “cultural” analysis,
  • Gender representation in media texts,
  • Intersectionality approach and masculinity studies in media system analysis,
  • Gender differences in imagining audiences,
  • Gender and media consumption.

They are interested in all of the above, and wish for the conference to cover various topics. They also hope to attract a diverse range of participants, from a variety of countries and backgrounds.

There is no fee for attending and participating at the conference. The conference language is English.

Proposals for papers should include author’s/authors’ name, institutional affiliation, email address, together with a paper title, abstract of 300 words and a short biographical information. See how to prepare an abstract for this conference at the conference web page.

  • Proposals should be sent by February 5
  • Notification of acceptance by March 2
  • Full papers to be sent by May 11

The organizers plan to look for possibilities to publish papers presented at the conference.

More about the conference topic, list of confirmed speakers and guidelines for preparing abstracts at the conference web page