CIRCOM Regional and DG Regio (EU Commission) are pleased to announce a three-stage programme of training in Brussels to help journalists explain how EU money is spent and how those who spend it should be held accountable.
Designed for editors, journalists and programme makers, this highly intensive and interactive training uses a mixture of workshops, Q & A sessions and group work to engage delegates in telling the stories that matter.
As well as gaining valuable insight into how EU funding is distributed and accounted for, participants will also take part in interactive workshops on storytelling and creative thinking. They will also meet current practitioners from major European broadcasters who will share their day-to-day experience of covering EU institutions.
The first session will take place 21– 23 November 2016 at the European Commission in Brussels. This will be followed by the second session 16 – 17 January 2017 and a final one at the beginning of April 2017, possibly from 3 – 4. Participants should be available to attend all three stages before signing up.
A maximum of 15 places are available for this series of 3 workshops. All travel, accommodation and meals are covered by DG Regio.
The first workshop will begin at 13:00 on Monday 21st Nov and will finish at 13:00 on Wednesday 23rd November 2016.
For those interested, please return the application form to Brigitte Waltsburger: with copy to: