CMPF Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners 2017 (apply by 18 April)

Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners


5-9 June 2017 – FLORENCE, ITALY

The Summer School is organised by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF) at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute (EUI).

The EUI is a renowned international institution, hosting a community of more than 1000 academics and policy-makers from over 60 countries. It is located on picturesque hills above Florence.

Building on its successful experience of previous years, this year’s Summer School will offer the opportunity to around 25 journalists and media practitioners to learn about the latest policy, market and professional trends in the area as well as to share their experiences, ideas and points of view. The Summer School programme is structured around keynote presentations by distinguished experts and follow-up interactive sessions.

Topics include:

  • Freedom of Expression, Pluralism and the Changing Media: Legal Perspectives
  • Media Economy, Journalism and Pluralism
  • Fake News and Media Literacy
  • Practice Day: Fact-checking tools, services and initiatives; Social media verification; Data journalism
  • Self-regulation and Ethics


The Summer School is open to early and mid-career journalists and other stakeholders in the news industry. We aim to have participants from a variety of countries and backgrounds but scholarships will be available only to the nationals or residents from EU Member States, accession and neighboring countries. The selection of participants will be made by the CMPF based on the information provided in the application form.


Academics affiliated to CMPF and renowned experts and journalists.  Names of speakers will be added to the webpage on a rolling basis over the coming weeks. You can find the last year’s programme here.


Fee: €1000. The fees include: 5 nights’ hotel accommodation, all tuition, all course materials, access to the EUI library, Wi-Fi access at the EUI, social activities, lunches and coffee breaks on lecture days.

We offer twenty (20) scholarships that cover the following: travel expenses (up to 400 EUR), accommodation for 5 nights, tuition fees, all course materials, access to the EUI library, Wi-Fi access at the EUI, social activities, lunches and coffee breaks on lecture days. The scholarships are available for outstanding candidates from EU Member States and neighboring countries by application only. Please note that unsuccessful applicants for these places will not be considered for a fee-paying place at the School. Scholarships are not intended for participants who can be funded by their own institutions.

Please note, CMPF cannot assist the selected participants with the Visa application process or expenses for travel documents.


Shared knowledge of common European journalistic professional rights and rules; up-to-date overview of the legal principles governing content online; strategies for the development of new business models in journalism; analysis of the state of play of pluralism and freedom in the digital media environment; interactive session proceedings; networking among participants and among participants and speakers.

A Certificate will be awarded to each participant who has successfully completed the training course.


We will consider only applications received through the online application system, and it has to contain your CV (maximum 2 pages) and motivation letter (maximum 1 page). If you wish to be considered for a scholarship you also have to submit a two pages article on if/how social media shape elections in your country.

Deadline extended:  18 April

Selected candidates will be contacted starting from 2 May  2017

The working language of the Summer School is English

Apply here