November 7, 2007, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina — “Freedom and Independence of Media: Clientelism, Ownership and Commercialization” was the main theme of the regional conference hosted by Mediacentar, Sarajevo on November 2-3, 2007.
The aim of the event was to advance public debate on the economic pressures in media and the social status of journalists among key stakeholders and reputable experts from South East and Central Europe.
The conference was organized in association with the Office of Public Relations of the US Embassy in Sarajevo and the South East European Network for Professionalization of Media (SEENPM). During the conference, a session was dedicated to the ongoing and completed research and advocacy projects of SEENPM on public service broadcasting in the digital age, primetime television monitoring, labor relations in media, clientelism and political instrumentalisation, and media self-regulation.
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