Conference: Prime Time Nationalism | The Role of Television Broadcasts/Archives in the Aftermath of the Yugoslav Wars

A conference and workshop organized by the Donald and Vera Blinken Open Society Archives (OSA) at Central European University (CEU) with support from CEU Conferences and Academic Events Fund (CAEF)

May 13-14, 2016 | Budapest

The manipulative role of state television during both the outbreak and duration of the Yugoslav wars has been widely explored in academia and acknowledged in numerous cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Instead of being a powerful tool serving the public, television served the political powers of the establishment.

The conference brings together media studies professionals, social anthropologists, historians, political scientists, archivists, and visual artists, as well as graduate students, who will discuss how television influenced or shaped the postwar national identity, recovery and development of the signatory states, and the lasting effect on their contemporary evolution in the context of a regional reconciliation. Simultaneously, we will seek to understand and offer up new meanings to OSA’s broadcast archives by examining its recently introduced, self-reflexive (re)archiving method.

Conference agenda and speakers

For more information contact Csaba Szilágyi |

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