Data Journalism Awards 2018: Apply by 26 March 2018

Over the past seven years, the Global Editors Network has organised the Data Journalism Awards competition to celebrate and credit outstanding work in the field of data-driven journalism worldwide.

The 2018 edition is now launched and data journalism teams from around the world have until 26 March 2018 to apply.

The Data Journalism Awards 2018 will deliver a $1,801 (US) cash prize and a trophy to each winner of the twelve categories.

The Data Journalism Awards competition celebrates outstanding work in the field of data journalism worldwide. It can be won by any media organisation, big or small.

The awards are given to examples of data-driven articles or investigations, data-driven applications and storytelling projects that use data visualisation, to cover topics relevant to the general public and aiming at having an impact on society.

Media companies, non-profit organisations and freelancers or individuals are all eligible for the Data Journalism Awards. Works produced by individuals or teams of staffers from media companies and non-profit organisations, as well as freelancers or individuals are all eligible for entry.

Works that are the result of a collaboration between organisations may also be submitted. Works produced by staffers or freelancers collaborating with government agencies, business or trade organisations with a stake (financial or of other nature) in the issue at hand are not eligible. In other words, the awards are not given to business data visualisations or projects produced for branding purposes.

All work must have been published or aired between 10 April 2017 and 26 March 2018.

Read about eligibility and competition rules.

All information on the Data Journalism Awards website.