Digital Communication Network Exchange 2017 (apply by 11 Feb 2017)

2017 already brings a new exchange opportunity in the United States for digital communication professionals, either with a journalistic or entrepreneurial background.

The Digital Communication Network is an exchange program, funded by the U.S. Department of State and implemented by World Learning. The Digital Communications Network exchange program created and supports a collaborative network of communication professionals from across Europe and Central Asia, working together to strengthen communication skills through the development and dissemination of digital content.

A total of 28 participants will be selected through an open competition process to come to the United States in one of two 18 day long professional programs, scheduled from June 11-28 and October 1-18, 2017.

Candidates for the program should be communication professionals, either with a journalistic or entrepreneurial background. They should work for media organizations (traditional or new), communication companies, NGOs and social movements, or e-governments focusing on delivering media messaging and using new tools of digital communication. Priority will be given to candidates who demonstrate an interest and capacity to develop or transform organizations for the digital age, and/or to create new digital communication products.

Participants should work and reside in one of the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, and Ukraine.

The deadline for submitting the application is February 11, 2017.

The U.S. based programs will include an orientation and overview of the issues, a case study looking at different facets of communication with a focus on digital content, professional fellowship placements, training workshops, learning labs, and participation in relevant industry events. Fellowship placements will be in media companies, non-profit organizations, NGOs, public policy organizations, communication companies, or university institutes across the United States. Placements will focus on topics such as the use of technology for advocacy and social causes, development of mobile applications to disseminate information and promote open responsive government, multi-media storytelling, creation of integrated multi-channel social messaging, communication strategies, ethical journalism, investigative reporting, and the nexus of digital and mainstream journalism. Professional development will be supplemented through an online platform, offering social media resources and MOOCs, as well as trainings on planning, executing, and assessing integrated and effective social media campaigns. To enhance program sustainability and effectiveness, participants will create and implement individual follow-on projects in their home countries. Action plans for these projects will be developed throughout the course of the U.S. programs.

More information is available in the application. Apply directly at