Diversity Accelerator: journalists from CoE states eligible

Diversity Accelerator is call for journalists who want to create their own ‪#‎multimedia‬ platform and are committed to the ‪#‎inclusion‬ of ‪#‎diversity‬ in ‪#‎media‬ reporting.

6-month mentoring programme with a cool mentoring team, trainings at Lisbon and Perugia and a 3000€ fee awarded by the Council of Europe to selected projects that complete the mentoring programme and comply with its specific obligations.

Who can apply?
1. You’re a journalist.
2. You live in one of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe:http://www.coe.int/en/web/about-us/our-member-states.
3. Your media project has a strong focus on diversity inclusion.
4. You are looking forward to create your own media outlet with a mid or long-term perspective.

For detailed information, visit www.div-a.org and http://www.coe.int/en/web/diversity-accelerator