The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) is proud to announce its first competition for young writers.
Young people under 27 are invited to write one thousand words about what press and media freedom means to them. This can take the form of an essay, a newspaper or magazine article, poem, play or blog post in any of these languages:
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Hungarian, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Albanian, Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian, Greek, Bulgarian, Flemish, Dutch, Russian, Turkish, Romanian.
The multi-lingual jury made up of ECPMF Board Members, Consortium Partners and team will select a shortlist of five entries in each category, to be translated into ECPMF’s official languages of English and German before selection by the Final Jury of Board Members.
Youth – young people aged 12-17
Newcomers – young people aged 18- 27
The winning entries will be published at the ECPMF website and the winners will be interviewed by media representatives at an online news conference.
Deadline: 30 June 2016
Send your work to press (at)
- The contest is open to anyone who is not connected through family, employment or social links to any member of the ECPMF Boards, Consortium Partners or team members.
- Each entry must be entirely the young writer’s own original previously unpublished work, and the ECPMF reserves the right to use anti-plagiarism detection techniques to check this. ’Published’ means revealed to a general audience, e.g. a blog post. It does not include written work submitted a s part of an educational programme, such as a school essay or university thesis.
- The Jury’s decision is final.