EP president signs the European Citizens’ Initiative for Media Pluralism

Martin SCHULZ - EP President and Giovanni MELOGLI

Strasbourg – Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament  signed online the European Citizens’ Initiative for Media Pluralism.

Remembering  the role of the European Parliament in demanding greater EU protagonism in protecting media freedom, the President has declared: “On numerous occasions the European Parliament has supported EU action with the aim of safeguarding the independence and pluralism of media within member sates. I am signing the Citizens Initiative for Media Pluralism since I am convinced that it is the duty of the EU to guarantee this right, set forth by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, to all European citizens.” The Initiative launches officially throughout Europe on February 7th.

Read more: www.mediainitiative.eu/2013/02/martin-schulz-signs-european-initiative-for-media-pluralism/