The EU puts on the table EUR 2.2 million for three projects in the area of media freedom and pluralism

The European Union makes EUR 2.2 million available for three separate pilot projects in the area of media freedom and pluralism geared at promoting quality journalism and cross-border cooperation between media professionals and media councils in the digital age.

The Commission promotes and protects freedom of expression, quality journalism and cooperation across borders. Media freedom and pluralism are fundamental rights enshrined in the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and constitute essential foundations of democratic societies.

The EU publishes, on 21 February 2019, three separate calls for pilot projects that aim to promote quality journalism, and cross-border cooperation between media professionals and self-regulatory bodies. They form part of the EU’s drive to promote and stimulate media freedom and pluralism in Europe.

Exchange of media rising stars

The first pilot project (total budget available: EUR 1.200.000), Exchange of media rising stars, will facilitate the mobility of young media professionals and cross-border cooperation between these professionals and media outlets as a means to promote innovation in the European media sector and foster an environment conducive to quality journalism and media pluralism.

Internship opportunities for minority language media

The second pilot project (total budget available: EUR 500.000), offering internship opportunities for minority language media, will give media professionals working with minority language media outlets across Europe the opportunity to undertake internships with leading European media houses. This will contribute to the professionalization of local media and enable the participants to gain a broader and more comprehensive understanding of different media and newsroom cultures.

Media Councils in the digital age

The third pilot project (total budget available: EUR 500.000), media councils in the digital age will study and map the activities of media self-regulatory bodies (also known as ‘media or press councils’) in the EU. It will also help establishing a platform to facilitate cooperation between these bodies and facilitate their adaptation to the online world. The project is  expected to contribute tothe councils’ engagement with internet intermediaries and other online stakeholders.


The European Commission co-funds projects to promote media freedom and pluralism and to defend journalists under threat. Since 2013 the Commission has funded actions geared towards:

  • Addressing violations of media freedom and pluralism and supporting cross-border investigative journalism in the EU Member States and in Candidate Countries. The European Commission has co-funded projects run by the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and its partners.
  • Independent monitoring of media pluralism in the EU Member States and in selected Candidate Countries. The European Commission has funded the development and implementation of the “Media Pluralism Monitor” (MPM) by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF). The Commission recently signed a grant agreement for a preparatory action with the CMPF to adapt the MPM to recent digital developments.

For further details:  Media Freedom and Pluralism