European Audiovisual Observatory – Montenegro takes over Observatory Presidency for 2015

European Audiovisual Observatory

08/01/2015 : Press release – Montenegro takes over Observatory Presidency for 2015

The European Audiovisual Observatory, the Council of Europe’s audiovisual information clearing house, is now under the Presidency of Montenegro for 2015. Montenegro takes over from Italy which held the Presidency of the Strasbourg-based Observatory in 2014.

Montenegro is represented within the Observatory’s Executive Council by Jadranka Vojvodic, Deputy Director of the Agency for Electronic Media, the Montenegrin Regulatory Authority. Vojvodic stated that Montenegro, as a recent member of the Observatory (the country joined in 2012), was “proud to be Presiding the first year of the Observatory’s 3 Year Action Plan 2015 – 2018.” She added that her organisation would be hosting a public media conference with the Observatory in Montenegro in June of 2015. The theme will be announced soon.

Susanne Nikoltchev, the Observatory’s Executive Director, paid tribute to a “very lively” Italian Presidency for 2014 and looked forward to “constructive cooperation on new initiatives” with the Montenegrin Presidency.

The European Audiovisual Observatory covers the audiovisual industries of its 40 member states as well as producing pan-European statistics and legal analysis. It has a rotating Presidency which changes annually and lasts from January to December.

For further information, contact Alison Hindhaugh,,

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