European Commission Reconciliation in the Western Balkans – call for proposals

The European Commission (EC) isinviting project proposals from organizations from the beneficiary countries and from the EU for ‘Reconciliation in the Western Balkans’ through the analysis of the recent past, reporting on transitional justice and advancement of investigative journalism’ grant project – wrote Gamala Luitel.The primary goal of the program is to enhance reconciliation and mutual understanding of the recent past in the Western Balkans and Turkey by means of transnational history educationobjective reporting on transitional justice issues and qualitative investigative journalism.

The call has three separate lots/components –

  1. Lot I – carry out research and analysis on the last 60 years of history in the Western Balkans. Grant amount between €300,000-€600,000.
  2. Lot II – advance the state of local media to report on war crimes, war crimes proceedings and related aspects of transitional justice with reference to the last 25 years in the Western Balkans and to support a sustainable network of journalists in all of these countries. Grant amount between €250,000- €300,000.
  3. Lot III – design and facilitate one regional EU award scheme to promote and recognize excellence in investigative journalism. Grant amount between €400,000- €450,000.

Each action must be completed in between 24 to 40 months duration.

Eligibility Criteria –

  • Legal person in a public institution or a non-profit making private organization can apply.
  • Applicant organization must be established in a Member State of the European Union or in  a Beneficiary under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance.
  • Applicant must be a civil society/academic entity or representative network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working on a theme of relevance to be eligible for Lot I.
  • Applicant must be media organization (CSOs) or representative network of CSOs working on a theme of relevance to be eligible for Lot II.
  • Applicant must be a civil society/media organization (CSOs) or representative network of CSOs working on a theme of relevance to this Call for Proposals to be eligible for Lot III.
  • Applicant must be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
  • Applicant must be active in, or group CSOs from, at least four of the seven IPA Beneficiaries in the Western Balkans (and Turkey for Lot III).
  • Eligible activities for actions must be in one of the following themes – media, education, or history.

For more information, please visit the call page.