The 2nd European Media Freedom Conference is taking place at the Media Campus Villa Ida (Leipzig School of Media) of Media Foundation of Sparkasse Leipzig.
After the inaugural conference in 2015, this year´s focus is on the topic of “working together for independent journalism – powerful journalism networks”.
The conference wraps up a series of major press freedom events in 2016. Set against the backdrop of newly-elected governments, restrictive media legislation and multifaceted threats to journalists across Europe, the conference provides insight in the current debates on freedom of expression and independent journalism.
Speakers and participants from all over Europe and a variety of backgrounds (such as media law, academia, independent media outlets, the political sphere etc.) will contribute to the discussions, making the conference the “place to be” for an update on press and media freedom this autumn.
Attending organisations are: ECPMF, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC),, Ossigeno per l´ Iinformazione, South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), Index on Censorship and many others.
See the SCHEDULE and BUY TICKETS on the website of the European Centre for Press & Media Freedom (ECPMF)
Read about the 2015 European Media Conference.