European Media Freedom Conference: Leipzig, 6-7 Oct.

Turkey, Poland, Great Britain, Croatia – same old story, or are they different? They share one similarity: press freedom is under pressure. It is not only the sad daily routine of defamation, hate speech in social media and journalists under arrest. It is the concentration of media ownership in few hands, leading to massive self-censorship. It is insufficient media laws, unemployment, low pay or no pay and restricted access to independent trades unions.

A single player is not powerful enough to face all these challenges: freedom of expression needs many strong partners protect it. To strengthen this co-operation, the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) organizes the European Media Freedom Conference 2016 ( where we will build the «Power of the crowd»:

  • Discuss approaches to independent news making with colleagues from all over Europe
  • Meet international donors face–to-face at our speed-networking event
  • Learn digital self-defence and legal skills
  • Build new cross-border partnerships or renew connections

Thursday and Friday, 6/7 October 2016
Media Campus Villa Ida, Media Foundation of Sparkasse Leipzig
Poetenweg 28, 04155 Leipzig. Germany

Top-level speakers include EU officials and politicians, grassroots and international organisations, investigative journalists, lawyers and journalists’ unions. They will tackle breaking news – the latest violations in media freedom – and ongoing problems like whistleblowing and protection of sources, journalism in exile and the media coverage of refugees.

And we highlight the good news: how we can deal with the challenges and even profit from them, how networks, cross-border collaborations and crowdfunding can protect or support journalists and independent and investigative media.

For more information on the programme, venue and tickets please check
And keep checking, as new speakers and topics are being added.

For more information, please contact the ECPMF conference team:
Phone: +49 (0)341 200 403 13