This paper by Naser Miftari, published by Analitika – Center for Social Research, investigates the current position, role and functioning of Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK) – in a diachronic perspective – from its inception in 1999 to the present. The paper explores whether the context in which Kosovo PSB is embedded provides a favourable environment for its future prospects and continued development and how it relates to the ongoing trends on the global and EU level that are affecting the development of PSB.
In efforts to provide a coherent outlook on the present and the future of RTK the study is guided by three broad questions. The first question relates to the process of initial media policy adoption and the role of various actors played within it (e.g. influence of EU, local elites, etc.). The second question explores the current situation of PSB and the extent of implementation of the current media policies. The third question seeks to provide answers about the future developments and prospects of PSB in Kosovo.
Download the paper ‘The Future of Public Service Broadcasting in Kosovo‘
The paper was produced within the project “The prospect and development of public service media: Comparative study of PSB development in Western Balkans in light of EU integration” that investigates the position, role, functioning, and the future of public service broadcasters in seven countries in the Western Balkans – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia, taking into account the specific context in which these services developed and the role the European Union played in such processes. The project is implemented by the Center for Social Research Analitika in partnership with the University of Fribourg.
This project is financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation(link is external), through the SCOPES (Scientific cooperation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland) programme.