Hungarian Media Tackles SEENPM Research on Labor Relations

March 31, 2008, Budapest. Leading Hungarian media outlets, including the Hungarian News Agency (MTI) and the largest political newspaper Népszabadság, reported on the findings of the regional research project “Labor Relations and Media” implemented in 11 SEENPM countries. The articles emphasized the insecurity faced by Hungarian journalists at the workplace.

The Center for Independent Journalism held a press conference on March 31 2008 to introduce the findings of the SEENPM research on labor relations in media. Researcher Borbála Tóth presented the Hungarian country report, and SEENPM Director Sándor Orbán described the labor situation in the media in South East Europe, based on the regional overview produced by the Network. (Full text of the research is available here: Labor Relations and Media)

At the press conference, journalists agreed that the findings, which are in line with previously collected Hungarian data, could serve as a good base to launch further research regarding country specific issues, like wages, corporate behavior, editorial freedom and other additional aspects of labor relations in the Hungarian media.