IJC launches a media literacy project in Moldova

The Independent Journalism Center (IJC), a SEENPM member, launched media literacy lessons for youth as part of a new project, “Strengthening Freedom of Opinion in the Republic of  Moldova”.

The first destination was the city of Soroca, where young people from a lyceum and volunteers from Youth Resource Center DACIA met with Liliana Barbarosie, journalist for Radio Free Europe.

More than 60 students discussed in an informal atmosphere what a news story is, how to discern correct information from manipulation, what interests there are behind certain media, but also the risks that that we face when we let ourselves be manipulated by certain information from the media.

The project “Strengthening Freedom of Opinion in the Republic of Moldova”, launched in late March 2017, comprises a series of activities as media literacy pilot projects:

  • Designing/developing materials for primary schools

The IJC has already developed the curriculum last year. In order to implement the pilot projects, didactic/ informative materials are needed both for teachers and pupils, to be developed by qualified experts. To ensure the involvement of Russian-speaking beneficiaries in the project, didactic materials will be translated into Russian as well.

  • Training for teachers (ToT)

IJC will select 30 teachers to train them to teach media literacy.  Two 3-days trainings will be organized by IJC.

  • Conducting media literacy lessons

Given that several schools showed great interest in media literacy, IJC will organize 10 media education lessons in these schools for some 400 pupils.

At the end of the project, IJC will organize a final event/round table to discuss the project results, success, achievements. All involved stakeholders and beneficiaries will be invited to share their experience gained within this project.

The project “Strengthening Freedom of Opinion in the Republic  of  Moldova” is supported by Deutsche Welle Akademie / Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.