IJC Publishes Study on Advertising in Moldova

The Independent Journalism Centre in Chișinău, a SEENPM member, published the study Evaluation of the legal framework regulating the advertising and recommendations for its optimisation”.

The document’s authors, media expert Ion Bunduchi and lawyer Eugeniu Râbca, analysed the current situation in the field of advertising in Moldova. The study is based on relevant reports, statistical data, and interviews with well-informed sources.

The paper presents a review of the national legal framework and its compliance with the European good practices. It also analyses the mechanisms intended to secure and protect fair competition and the transparency of mass-media advertising. At the end, the authors present their conclusions and recommendations for the tools to be implemented in order to improve the situation in this area.

The document may be accessed in Romanian, English and Russian languages.

The study was conducted with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, provided by the Embassy of Sweden in Chișinău.