Journalist Security in the Digital World: A Survey – Are We Using the Right Tools?

As journalists around the world have become more vulnerable, their need for security tools has grown exponentially. There is no question that the digital world has made journalism a riskier profession. But it can also make it safer. Digital technology can offer tools to minimize the dangers, whether physical, digital, or psychological, that reporters and editors face on the job. But before media support organizations can help make those tools available, they must first find out whether journalists are they aware of such tools. Do they use them? Do they know how reliable they are?
For this purpose, the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) carried out a survey of journalists around the world, asking them about their use of digital tools for their security. Journalist Security in the Digital World: A Survey was designed to address both tools for physical protection as well as digital security. CIMA hopes that it will serve to help improve safety for journalists.