Journalists in Residence Programme – Milan

As part of the new edition of the Media Freedom Rapid Response running from May 2022 till October 2023, the Journalists in Residence programme – Milan launches a new call for applications open to journalists and media professionals who are experiencing some risk/threat/intimidation to their person as a direct result of their journalistic work.

There is no deadline for applications. The JiR Milan is demand driven and accepts submissions on a rolling basis. The selection board will reserve the right to evaluate incoming applications and other referred cases up to the disbursement of all the funds available. A rapid response will be given.

Applicants of any nationality holding legal residency in an EU Member State, or Candidate Country, or Ukraine (valid passport required) are eligible for this JiR Milan programme edition.

The offer provides for a three-to-six month residency in Milan and the development of a tailored support programme.

What does the JiR programme provide?

  • safe and discreet place to continue investigating and publishing, to rest and to recover (max. 6 months)
  • rent-free, furnished apartment in Milan
  • health insurance and psychological counselling (optional)
  • monthly stipend of 1,000 euros
  • travel expenses to and from Milan (arrival and departure)
  • visa costs
  • participation in journalism-related trainings
  • networking opportunities
  • the opportunity to work (pro bono) with the QCode and OBC Transeuropa teams on self-selected subjects

The Journalism in Residence – Milan programme is managed by Q Code in coordination with Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (Trento, Italy) and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (Leipzig, Germany), with the financial support of the European Union.

To apply, send your CV, completed online form [download here] and the questionnaire [download here] a

The article was republished from Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa