The Journalists-in-Residence Programme (deadline: 8 Nov)

Direct help to endangered journalists in Europe is one of the core tasks of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF). Although media freedom is anchored in European countries’ constitutions, media workers are encountering many threats and risks while doing their job. Our Journalists-in-Residence Programme offers a special opportunity to threatened media freedom activists and journalists: With ECPMF’s support, they can temporarily leave the unsafe environment of oppression and anxiety to recover and find new strength.

For up to 12 months, a media worker at risk can take a time-out from the direct threat he or she is facing in their home country. The ECPMF provides a safe home, a scholarship and many other forms of support as well as the possibility to work at the centre in Leipzig.

Journalists from EU-countries and accession candidate states can apply to become a Journalist-in-Residence at the ECPMF in Leipzig. The duration varies, depending on the individual case, between 3 and 12 months.

Find a detailed description of the program and guidance for application at the ECPMF website