Legal Training Program For Journalists, Civil Society Advocates and Media Lawyers in Central and Southeastern Europe

The Center for Media, Data, and Society at the School of Public Policy of Central European University, is announcing an open call for candidates for its certificate-based legal training program for journalists, civil society advocates and media lawyers in Central and Southeastern Europe.

European Journalism in the Digital Age (EJDA) is a unique ‘hybrid’-style online and offline course that focuses on providing participants with the fundamentals of media and freedom of expression law in the digital age and practical solutions for combatting threats from litigants, hackers, and hostile governments.

The course features an intensive two-day workshop in Belgrade on the weekend of May 20-21, 2017, followed by nine weeks of top-level online instruction.

The program is highly selective.  The organizers are looking for the region’s most highly skilled and committed practitioners, regardless of age or experience.  The program, which seeks to create an elite network of journalists, activists, and lawyers, covers all expenses, including tuition and travel.

  • codes of ethics and professional standards for public watchdogs;
  • access to information in possession of public bodies;
  • defamation and libel;
  • privacy;
  • source protection and working with whistleblowers;
  • working with documents that are leaked, classified, illegally obtained;
  • personal and digital security.

Tuition for the 10-week course is free. All expenses will be paid by the program.

The program features an all-star team of instructors, including Gillian Phillips, the top in-house lawyer for The Guardian, Nani Jansen Reventlow, a noted human rights and freedom of expression scholar and advocate on the international scene, Djordje Krivokapic, Legal and Policy Director of SHARE Foundation and lecturer at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade and Dean Starkman, a Pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporter and noted media critic. The course is funded by the Open Society Foundations and is supported by SHARE Foundation, Serbia.

Successful participants will receive a professional certificate from the CEU School of Public Policy, signed by the Dean and verifiable for employers.

The organizers think of this course as some of a first aid kit and survival guide for European journalists and others in the digital age to protect themselves from legal, regulatory, digital and physical threats, and to head off trouble before it starts.

But it’s something else, too. EJDA also seeks to forge lasting bonds between the participants and staff to create a network of committed journalists, advocates and lawyers to help defend journalism, media independence and democracy generally.

Application deadline: March 31, 2017, at 17.00 (5pm) Central European Time

Apply here or go to the course page