The independence of the regulatory authority in Macedonia has been one of the most contested media policy issues in the past two decades. Particularly the appointment of the members of the regulator’s governing body has been strongly influenced by the ruling political parties. Although mechanisms had been incorporated in the legislation (2005 and 2013) in order to prevent misuse of the regulator for political and business interests, politically appropriate rather than distinguished professionals have often been appointed for members in the governing body.
The Council makes efforts to demonstrate greater transparency and accountability in the eyes of the public and the stakeholders through a variety of mechanisms. However, whenever financial information are on the agenda of its sessions or should be presented to the public, the regulator’s conduct is quite the opposite.
The process of granting licenses continues to be the main issue of concern. There are still doubts whether the licensing procedures are fully open, impartial and regular.
The monitoring report was published in 2015 by SEE Media Observatory project, implemented by a group of SEENPM members since 2013, which stands for media integrity and journalism that serves public interest. The report is part of the effort of monitoring the implementation of the law on audio and audiovisual media services in Macedonia.