Macedonian translation of the Verification Handbook for Investigative Reporting released

26 October, 2016 – The European Journalism Centre and the Media Development Centre in Skopje, Macedonia officially announce the release of the Macedonian translation of the Verification Handbook for Investigative Reporting. Following the English and Arabic language version, this is the third official language version of the companion handbook to the initial Verification Handbook that was released in 2014.

The Macedonian version is now made available via the following URL:

“The Media Development Centre is organization dedicated, among other things, to the raising of professional standards of media operation and journalism. At this moment, those professional standards seem to be lacking in the operations of huge majority of Macedonian media, especially the internet native operations – various news sites and portals. We saw the translation of this Handbook as an opportunity to contribute both to ongoing debate about the state and future of journalism and to everyday practices of Macedonian media and journalists, investigative reporters and regular beat reporters likewise”, states Dejan Georgievski, President of the Media Development Centre.

Other translation versions of the Verification Handbook and the Verification Handbook for Investigative Reporting can be accessed via

About the Media Development Centre

verification_handbook_macedonianThe Media Development Center (MDC) is dedicated to the creation of a climate conducive to sustainable and democratic environment for further development of the media and the civil society in general. The Media Development Center is one of the organisations-successors of the Macedonian Press Center. After the secession from the Macedonian Press Center, MDC took over its legal programme and the issues in the area of media policies. Since its founding, MDC works on analyses of media legislation in the Republic of Macedonia and provides legal assistance for journalists and media, with its own team of lawyers. The Media Development Center is registered at the Central Registry as an association of citizens.
For more information about the Verification Handbook, please contact:

Rina Tsubaki
Tel: +31 43 325 40 30