Media Development in the Digital Age: Five Ways to Engage in Internet Governance

CC BY 3.0; © Mídia NINJA

“Internet governance decisions are having a more pronounced and immediate impact on the media environment. The question then for the media development community is not whether to get involved in Internet governance, but when and how.”

– Media Development in the Digital Age

Across the world, the Internet has become a primary platform for independent news and reporting. While citizens use it to access otherwise limited or restricted information, it has become an increasingly important tool for journalists as they gather information, engage sources, and interact with readers.

With this in mind, a new report from the Center for International Media Assistance and ARTICLE 19 makes the case that the media development community can work to improve the global enabling environment for independent media by actively engaging in Internet governance.

In “Media Development in the Digital Age: Five Ways to Engage in Internet Governance,” authors Corinne Cath, Niels ten Oever, and Daniel O’Maley identify five key Internet governance bodies where the media development community should target its efforts. The report then highlights the concrete policy issues now under debate and how they will shape the future of the global media ecosystem.