Media Feast, News Famine: Ten Global Advertising Trends That Threaten Independent Journalism

Even as citizens feast on a growing buffet of digital media choices, there is an increasing famine of credible, thorough, and independent nationally-focused news reporting. The former masks the latter as we witness the widespread growth of entertainment media, while governments exert more comprehensive and nuanced control over news media. Better connected globally but less informed locally, citizens living in these media environments may not recognize when their rights to be informed about their government and their society are being compromised.

In a new CIMA report, “Media Feast, News Famine: Ten Global Advertising Trends that Threaten Independent Journalism,” Michelle Foster looks at the sobering implications of the growing dominance of global players on digital and mobile platforms. The report goes on to explore how those working to support independent media around the world can help to ensure that local and national news media continue to thrive in the changing media environment.

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