Skopje 5 October 2011 – In order to support freedom of expression and the development of independent, free and democratic media, MIM follows actively the developments in the Macedonian media sphere, participates with proposals and offers solutions in the evolving debate on current media issues. MIM supported the journalists protest organized on July 4, 2011, and reacted jointly with AJM to the rapid changes to the Broadcasting Law that were adopted in Parliament during that month. Also, MIM appealed for respecting of laws in the case of bankruptcy proceedings for A1 and the revocation of the broadcasting license of this medium by the Agency for Electronic Communications. On September 14, 2011, MIM experts and leadership actively participated and discussed on the conference that was organized by AJM and the Secretariat for European Affairs of the Government, which should mark the beginning of a constructive process of improving the situation with the media in Macedonia.
Source: MIM newsletter