Moldova: From partly free to free media status by 2025

The transition of Moldova from the category of countries with partly free media to the category of countries with free media by 2025 is one of the objectives stipulated in the draft Concept of the National Media Development Policy of Moldova.

The paper stipulates the need to introduce the definition of online media and to have them regulated.

The document was presented on December 19 in the Parliament by media experts within the working group that focuses on improving the media legislation.

The concept is to be implemented in two stages: first stage by 2020 and the second by 2025.

Media expert Ion Bunduchi, who presented the project, said that the general state of the media is influenced by three important factors: legal framework regulating the media, management of the media field and media outlets, and professionalism and responsibility of the media.

Bunduchi said that for the most part the document aims to improve these three areas.

“The media in Moldova have developed without us initially having a general idea what this important field should look like. In essence, some things that are lacking in the legal framework, or are ineffective or need to be supplemented have been revealed. For example, we have no concepts or definitions of media pluralism at the moment. Our legislation does not define online media; we have so many complaints against this type of media, which is becoming more and more influential, but basically it has no definition,” Ion Bunduchi pointed out.

The expert noted that the document also stipulates the need to create a co-regulatory body responsible for coordinating print and online media.

Dumitru Tira, executive director of the Association for Development and Cooperation of Moldova, said that he strongly opposes the regulation of the online domain and that the law enforcement authorities are able to regulate violations in this respect even under current conditions.

The document also stipulates the need to strengthen media independence and security in order to ensure Moldova’s information sovereignty.

In addition, this concept emphasizes the need to train professionals in all types of journalism (print, audiovisual, online) to respond to the demands of the media market and to ensure regular professional development in continuing education centers.

The article is a contribution of Independent Journalism Center (IJC) in Chisinau, originally published on its website Media Azi