Moldovan journalists – apply by 8 April: Media management: a master class 19-21 April 2016 (Moldova)

Invitation to apply: from April 19 to April 21 2016 the EU-funded project ‘Open Media Hub’ is organising master classes in broadcast, print and online media management for managers and senior editors of Moldovan media.

Open Media Hub is a four-year project which aims to increase the professional skills of journalists and media managers and support the production of audio-visual and online material in seventeen countries neighbouring the EU, thus contributing to the development of independent media and a more accurate presentation of EU policies.

The print and online media management master class will cover the following:

  • Business planning
  • Strategic marketing
  • Developing practical tools – mechanics of selling advertising: preparing price lists, negotiation techniques
  • Managing multi-platform content, newsroom workflow management, including integrated newsrooms
  • Handling social media and user-generated content, HR development with a special focus on survival and development on small and fragmented markets

The broadcast management master class will cover:

  • News management techniques
  • Developing practical tools
  • How EU sources can be accessed efficiently for the newsroom cycle
  • Managing multi-platform content, newsroom workflow management, including integrated newsrooms
  • Handling social media and user-generated content

The master classes will have a special focus on topical issues, such as:

  • EU support for reforms and the implementation of the AA/DCFTA agreement
  • The Agreement with the IMF
  • The reform of the banking sector
  • The measures to tackle corruption
  • The reform of the prosecution service and judicial sector

H.E. Pirkka Tapiola, Ambassador of the European Union to Moldova will address the participants on April 20.

Alongside the master class, participants will have the opportunity to sign up their media organisation for the full package of media development support provided by the project which includes advanced training for reporting staff, access to international in-house management consulting; access to a content-sharing platform with rights-free content; eligibility to placements of media staff with top EU media outlets in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Poland and others; eligibility to participate in top industry events including MIP Cannes and CIRCOM events; and eligibility for production support of approximately €3,000-8,000 to produce video content.

To apply, fill in this form by April 8, 2016. 

For further information, contact Anna Moghilda, country director, Action Global Communications Ltd.

Mob: +373 79773730


The Open Media Hub project is implemented by a consortium led by Thomson Foundation and including European media organisations such as France Médias MondeEuropean Journalism Centre and Free Press Unlimited.

Source: Thomson Foundation