Moldovan Parliament Adopts the National Concept on Media Development

Moldovan Parliament approved the National Concept on Media Development on 14 June.

The document aims to prove both the adherence of the Republic of Moldova to the European values ​​on media functioning, and the commitment to create an environment enabling the media to operate under economic and editorial independence.

The concept will serve as a benchmark for media-related public policies, such as strengthening professionalism, adjusting the programs for the vocational training of managers working in the print, audiovisual and online media.

The cooperation between all national and international institutions investigating the media will also be strengthened.

The National Concept on Media Development in the Republic of Moldova has been developed by national and international experts within the Parliamentary Group on Improving the Media Law.

The article is a contribution of the Independent Journalism Center in Chisinau, Moldova, a SEENPM member organization.